***********New FS2002 Lights Configuration************

For "BAe Hawk T.Mk1 A - Red Arrow
by Owen Hewitt & Mikko Maliniemi "


Note: The .mdl file must be overwriting for the new FS2002 lights to work!

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit 5=Landing
light.0=3, -4.4, -16.4, -1.1, fx_navred
light.1=3, -4.4, 16.4, -1.1, fx_navgre
light.2=2, -0.5, -0.0, 3.5, fx_beacon
light.3=2, -10.7, -0.0, -2.1, fx_beacon
light.4=3, -18.75, 0.0, 0.85, fx_navwhi
light.5=5, 19.45, 0.0, -1.88, fx_navwhih.fx
light.5=5, 19.45, 0.0, -1.88, fx_navwhih.fx

Add the Above to your aircraft.cfg file

Thats it!

The Old FS2000 ( beach balls ) lights have been removed! The new lights should be there!



If you have a favorite FS2000 aircraft, but the lights spoil them in FS2002, contact me,
maybe I can help?

Paul Pridwales


CREDITS to the original authors of these aircraft....Thanks to them all!